How To Tell If A Skateboard Is Waterlogged And How To Fix It?

Skateboard decks are made of wood, so they naturally absorb water when they get wet. When this happens, the wood swells, making it harder to slide your feet over the surface and causing the deck to feel heavier than normal.

How to tell if a skateboard is waterlogged? Take your board out of the garage or somewhere else and hit it with your hand, and listen for a hollow sound. If you hear a dull sound, then there’s a chance that your skateboard is waterlogged. A waterlogged board will feel almost like a thick piece of cardboard.

Take the board out for a run, and listen to the sound it makes after each ollie. A waterlogged skateboard will make a creaking sound as you speed down a hill, and air will leak from beneath the board.

How Do I Know If My Skateboard Is Waterlogged?

The following signs indicate your skateboard is waterlogged:

  • Your deck will be like a thick piece of cardboard.
  • Your board will become much heavier.
  • Your board starts to look brittle or cracked, or it feels like it’s about to snap in half when you bend it.
  • The grip tape will peel off easily.
  • The bearings may rust and not spin as smoothly.

What Do You Do If Your Skateboard Is Waterlogged?

If your skateboard is waterlogged, don’t panic, you can do a few things at home to fix a waterlogged skateboard. Keep Reading

How To Fix A Waterlogged Skateboard?

If your skateboard is waterlogged, it can be hard to ride and will likely be damaged. If this happens, don’t throw the board away. There are ways to save your waterlogged skateboard.

1. The first thing you need to do is remove the wheels and bearings. This will make it much easier for you to dry out your board. You can leave the trucks on if you want, but it’s not necessary. 

2. Use a towel to wipe away as much moisture from the board as possible.

3. Dry out your board as much as possible. You can leave it in the sun, but this will take time. If you don’t have that kind of time, then leave it in front of a heater or fan. This might take hours or days, depending on the size of your board.

Once your board is mostly dry, you can use a hairdryer to help speed up the process.  Put it on low heat and blow hot air on your deck and wheels for a few minutes until they are mostly dry again.

Also, blow hot air into any cracks or holes in the deck or trucks, so they don’t rust over time. Let your deck sit overnight, preferably with its trucks facing up, so air can flow through it freely.

4. Next, If there are any cracks in your board, fill them with wood filler and sand down any rough patches on your deck with sandpaper until they are smooth again (or soft enough). 

You should also sand down any edges that have been exposed, so there aren’t any splinters left behind when you ride again (especially if there are).

5. Let your board sit for dry at least 24 hours before riding again, so all of the moisture has evaporated from inside it!

6. Put on new bearings and put some more grip tape on if necessary!

How To Fix Waterlogged Bearings?

If your bearings keep getting waterlogged, there are a few things you can do to try and fix them.

  • 1. Clean the bearings: remove the bearings from the wheels, clean them with some soap and hot water and remove any dirt or debris stuck in there from riding on wet pavement/concrete.
  • 2. Wipe off any excess water from the bearings: Once you’ve removed all traces of dirt or grime from inside each bearing, use a cloth or paper towel and wipe away any excess water that may be there.
  • 3. Dry them with compressed air or by placing them in front of a fan for several hours (or overnight).
  • 4. Try using a little bit of grease on the ball bearings, which will help prevent moisture from being absorbed into them again in the future (this is especially helpful if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain).

Note: If neither of these methods works for you, it’s time to get some new ones. You should replace your bearings every 1-2 years anyway because they wear down over time and lose their effectiveness. You can also read here How To Fix A Skateboard That Turns By Itself.

How To Protect Your Skateboard From Getting Waterlogged Or Wet?

Here are some tips to protect your skateboard from getting waterlogged.

1. Get a case for your skateboard:

This can be as simple as an empty backpack or duffel bag, but it will help keep your board protected from moisture. 

2. Keep your board in a dry place:

This means not leaving your board outside overnight or storing it in an unheated garage or shed during the winter months. Avoid being caught in rainstorms with your board, if there’s nothing you can do about it, put it in a plastic bag until you get home safely. And never leave it out in the sun to bake!

3. Don’t ride while raining or snowing:

This one seems obvious, but many people don’t listen when it comes down to riding in the rain or snow. You’ll end up with a wet board and possibly worse injuries if you try riding in bad weather conditions.

4. Never leave it outside overnight:

If you have to leave your board outside overnight, make sure that you cover it up with a garbage bag or something similar so that it doesn’t get wet while you’re sleeping!

5. Don’t step on or jump on anything wet (like puddles) while riding:

You’ll be dragging dirt and moisture all over your deck. Try to avoid riding through puddles if possible; if they’re unavoidable, wipe off excess water with a towel before continuing with your ride

Can You Still Skate A Waterlogged Board?

Yes, you can still skate a waterlogged board, but it will be difficult to do tricks, and you won’t be able to get much air. Also, the water will loosen up the glue and wood on the board, which makes it more fragile than usual. 

It’s probably a good idea to dry out your board as soon as possible after it gets wet. Don’t try to ride it until it’s completely dry.

Closing Words On How To Tell If A Skateboard Is Waterlogged?

This article is a walk-through on how to tell if your skateboard is waterlogged and a quick guide on how to fix it. This will allow you to fix it yourself. 

No matter how good you are at making sure your board is dry, it may still experience minor humidity during rain or snow. Make sure to timely dry any water off of your board during these times. 

I hope you enjoyed this post; if this article helped you and you want to see more similar content, please let us know, and don’t forget to share this with your friends. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What does it mean when your board is waterlogged?

Ans. When your board is waterlogged, it means that it has absorbed water, and your board feels heavy and unresponsive when you try to ride it. Waterlogged boards are often the result of a bad batch of wood or damage to the board’s materials.

Q2. Do I have to buy a new one if my skateboard is waterlogged?

Ans. If your skateboard has been waterlogged, it’s probably safe to say that you should buy a new one. Skateboards are designed to be flexible, but waterlogged boards are pretty much guaranteed to break or crack.

Q3. Is a skateboard ruined if it gets wet?

Ans. It depends on how much water you’re talking about and what kind of skateboard you have. The only time your board won’t work after getting wet is if it collects too much water, which will make it too heavy to balance on.

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