What Is Skateboard Razor Tail And How To Fix It? Easy Methods!

Have you ever been skating and suddenly felt your back foot getting sliced by the tail of your board? If so, you’ve experienced razor tail.

Skateboard razor tail means, when the tail of your board over-rubs against the ground, the tail becomes thin, chipped, and sharp is called razor tail. This can be caused by landing on the tail of your board, grinding on rough surfaces, hitting objects, or even just general wear and tear. 

Razor tail on a skateboard is a common problem for skateboarders, especially those who are just starting out. While it may seem like a minor issue, sometimes it can be quite painful and even dangerous. 

The purpose of this blog post is to explain how to fix a razor tail on your skateboard and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Keep reading

Related: How to make your skateboard last longer?

What are the Cons of Skateboard Razor Tail?

There are some cons of it. 

1. Your Skateboard Loose Pop

It may cause your skateboard to lose pop, making it harder for you to perform tricks like ollies and flips. This can be frustrating for skaters who are trying to improve their skills.

2. It Can Be Dangerous

A skateboard’s razor tail can be extremely dangerous if not handled with care. This thin, sharp edge can easily cause cuts and puncture wounds if it comes into contact with your skin. It’s important to be aware of the potential hazards posed by it and to take steps to avoid injury.

How to Fix Razor Tail on Skateboard?

Here are some effective methods for repairing your board’s chipped tail.

1. Sand Down the Edge of your Skateboard Tail

Using Power tools like belt sanders is the easiest and most effective way to remove it. You can get rid of the razor tail quickly by using a belt sander.

For those who don’t have a belt sander, you can use rough grit sandpaper to reshape your board tail. An 80-grit or 120-grit sandpaper works well for flattening edges.

As you continue to sand the board, you will see the shapes returning as you flatten the edge. It is an effective way to repair it and your tail will only be removed approximately 1/8″ with this method.

2. Using a Wood Glue

Using wood glue is another great option. 

You can apply wood glue to layers of the tail about 1/8″ deep. As your first layer, you only need to apply a thin layer of glue. Don’t add too much glue since it will create a bubble that won’t dry.

If you have a newer deck, you can also slow down the process of thinning the tails by gluing a thin layer of wood glue on it.

3. Completely Cut off the Razor Tail

You can also cut off the razor tail completely to get rid of it. You can cut off the tail by using a bandsaw or jigsaw, whatever your choice. As you cut your tail, make sure the curved shape is preserved and only necessary wood is removed.

How to Avoid Razor Tail on Skateboard?

Here are some tips on how to avoid it:

1. Use a Tail Guard or Skid Plate

One of the best ways to prevent a chipped skateboard tail is using a tail guard, particularly designed for protecting the tail and nose. You can find this tail guard at your nearest skate shop easily for about $10 to $15.

You can also use a skateboard skim plate to avoid the razor tail of your skateboard. A Skim plate is specifically designed to protect the nose and tail of your skateboard.

Skim plates are the hard plastic guard, you can mount this guard at the bottom of the tail of your skateboard to prevent razor tail.

2. Avoid Tail Scraping or Dragging

I have seen many skateboarders usually stop their skateboards by scraping or dragging their skateboard tails. Which is a major cause of the razor tail of your skateboard.

If you continue to scrape or drag your deck tail against the ground, over time it will eventually burn most of your layers, making your deck tail or edges sharper and more likely to chip or square up.

So avoid this technique to stop your skateboard.

3. You can Apply Carbon Fiber

Applying a thin layer of carbon fiber to the back of your deck is a great option to prevent skate razor tail. The lightweight properties of carbon fiber add strength and durability, which can help extend the life of your deck.

Plus, it’s easy to apply and relatively inexpensive, so it’s worth considering if you’re looking for ways to improve your skateboard setup.

If you do lots of tricks, then you should put carbon fiber on the entire back of the deck to protect the nose and tail. This will help extend the life of your deck, and it will also make it easier for you to do tricks without worrying about damaging your board.

4. Adopt a Different Method of Stopping

Don’t use your tail as a brake fist. First, make sure that you are using the proper stopping technique. 

It is important to learn different stopping methods. Instead of using your back foot to stop, you can use your dominating foot. When you rub the foot against the ground, it will create friction and help to slow down the board.

Additionally, make sure that you keep your weight evenly distributed on the board so that your back foot doesn’t slip off in the first place.

Does Razor Tail Cause the skateboard to Lose Pop?

Pop is one of the most important aspects of skateboarding. The pop is what allows you to do tricks and it makes the skateboard more responsive. 

However, there are some people who claim that when a razor tail is present, it can cause the skateboard to lose pop. Yes, they are right.

However, the answer is yes and no. 

It all depends on how bad the razor tail is. If the tail is only mildly damaged, then it’s less likely that the skateboard will lose pop. However, if the razor tail is really bad or completely shredded, then your skateboard will lose its pop.

Does it Matter What Deck you have?

It’s a common misconception that the skateboard deck you have will make a difference in how well you can skate, or how often you fall. The truth is, it really doesn’t matter what kind of skateboard deck you have. The only thing that matters is how you treat your board.

If you’re constantly riding your skateboard hard and putting it through extreme conditions, then the deck is going to suffer.

It doesn’t matter what material the deck is made of, it’s going to break down eventually. In order to prevent this, the best thing you can do is to simply be aware of how you’re treating your board.

How Long Does a Skateboard Deck Last?

A good skateboard deck can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. Many skaters break their boards within two weeks, especially if they are more serious and dedicated. 

There are a few factors that contribute to how long a skateboard deck will last. These include the type of skating you do, how often you skate, and what kind of terrain you skate on. 

If you’re a street skater who only skates once in a while, your deck will likely last on the longer end of the spectrum. But if you’re an experienced rider who hits the parks or ramps frequently, your deck will probably only last for about a few months. 

The bottom line is that it really depends on how you use your board as to how long it will last. So if you want to get the most out of your investment, be sure to take care of your board and ride it wisely.

When should I Get a New Deck?

When the deck needs replacing, there are a few things you need to consider

1. When you start to feel like your skateboard deck has lost its shape, it’s time to replace it. You’ll know the deck is ready for replacement when the concave feels flat and the board isn’t as stiff as it used to be. A new deck will help you regain the control and pop you need to perform your best.

2. If your skateboard deck has lost its pop due to razor tail, you should consider replacing it.

3. When the deck is warped or cracked: A warped or cracked deck is not going to ride well, no matter how much you try to fix it. If the wood is damaged, it’s time for a new deck.

4. When your deck starts showing signs of delamination, you may need to replace it. Delamination is when the plies in your deck start coming apart, and it’s a sure sign that your deck is reaching the end of its lifespan. 

If you’re a beginner, you might not need to replace your deck as often as experienced skaters. But, even if you’re just starting out, it’s important to inspect your deck regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

It also depends on how often you skate and how well you take care of your board.

Last Words

Lastly, I would say that a skateboard razor tail is a common issue that can be easily fixed. By following the steps above, you can easily fix your skateboard chipped tail in no time. So get out there and enjoy your ride.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post.

Also Read: Skateboard deck with high pop.

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